Get creative with these Do It Together pop up cards from Choosy Kids!
Materials: Printable templates, crayons, scissors, glue, pencil, colored paper (optional)
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Template: Click here for template.
Print Directions: Click here for printable version.
Card 1
Step 1
Print, color, and cut templates.

Step 2
Trace the outside template of the card on a piece of colored paper (or decorate template with crayons). Fold the template in half. Set aside.

Step 3
Fold the card template in half. Cut the squares off the top corners (the dotted lines).

Step 4
Fold the card template back in half and then fold the top of the card (where the previous cuts are) down to the side of the card.

Step 5
Unfold the card and bend the previous fold inside the card.

Step 6
Glue both sides of the card to a piece of colored paper. Be careful not to glue the inside folds.

Card 2
Step 1
Print, color, and cut templates.

Step 2
Trace the outside template of the card on a piece of colored paper (or decorate template with crayons). Fold the template in half. Set aside.

Step 3
Fold the card template in half. Cut the dotted lines in the center of the card.

Step 4
Fold the card with the previous cuts inside and the decorated side facing in.

Step 5
Glue the sign to the previous fold. Glue the note to the bottom of the card.

Step 6
Glue both sides of the card to a piece of colored paper. Be careful not to glue the inside folds.

Card 3
Step 1
Print, color, and cut templates.

Step 2
Trace the outside template of the card on a piece of colored paper (or decorate template with crayons). Fold the template in half. Set aside.

Step 3
Fold the card template in half vertically with the colored side faced in.

Step 4
Open the card up and fold the card template in half horizontally with the colored side faced in.

Step 5
Open the card up and fold the card template in a triangle shape with the colored side faced in.

Step 6
Open the card up and fold the card template in a triangle shape again in the opposite direction with the colored side faced in.

Step 7
Unfold the template and re-fold with the corners of the template inside the card. This step will be done on both sides.

Step 8
Fold the corners of the template to the center. This step will be done with all four corners.

Step 9
Bend the previous folds of the four corners inside the template. This step will be done with all four corners.

Step 10
Glue both sides of the card to a piece of colored paper. Be careful not to glue the inside folds.

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