Choosy Kids is known for its wellness programs and innovative, interactive approach to staff training to honor the tireless work of early care and education professionals. We connect health and physical development themes with active learning and school readiness skills. Our interactive approach to training focuses on integrating physical activity, nutrition, and oral health into all areas of early learning and the normal routines of each day.

What is I Am Moving, I Am Learning (IMIL)
Choosy Kids was honored to be selected in 2004 to lead the training team for I Am Moving, I Am Learning (IMIL), a popular initiative to combat childhood obesity launched nationally by the federal Office of Head Start. Since 2004, IMIL has continued to include staff training resources and curriculum enhancements to integrate physical activity and nutrition learning experiences into the daily routines of Early Care and Education programs. Now, more than 15 years after that first training, Choosy Kids continues to lead IMIL training events in every area of the country!

Request an IMIL Training For Your Program
Influence policy, practice, and personal wellness behaviors with Choosy Kids unique approach to professional staff development for IMIL. Please complete our online Training Request Form in order to help us best assist you with your training needs.

Resource to Implement IMIL
Move and Learn with Choosy is an active learning system to implement your IMIL strategies. Designed to support your current curriculum, it promotes physical activity, healthy nutrition, and oral health, and includes unique family engagement and staff wellness components. Learn more.

Music to Support IMIL
Award-winning music to support your IMIL strategies and encourage healthy habits in young children. Learn more.