Healthy Habit System

Be Choosy Outside
Outside Is IN – Outdoor play is a great way for children to move their bodies and to learn about nature.
Off To The Playground – Playgrounds and parks are great for exploring, playing with others, figuring out how things “work,” making memories, and having FUN!
The Great Outdoors – Going on walks with your child encourages conversation, sharing new experiences, and learning new words.
Let The Sun Shine – Playing outside wakes up your senses and the sunshine gives you lots of good Vitamin D. Be sure to use sun screen to protect your child's skin.
It’s Easy Being Green – Choosy says taking care of plants is a great way to be active. Children tend to eat veggies that they plant and water.
Outdoor Classroom – Nature is a learning lab with so many lessons available to all of us. Children should not only play outside in nature, but learn outside from nature.
Body Language
Know It And Show It – Talking about what bodies can do helps children learn new vocabulary while exploring movement. “What does it mean to stretch?” “What’s the difference between a jump and a hop?”
I’m The Boss Of My Body – Let children know they are in charge of their bodies and their muscles. For example, “Tell your feet to stop when the music stops.”
Look At You – Celebrate all achievements, big and small. Cheer your children on when they try something new – no matter how it goes. “Wow! I like how you hop on just one foot!” or “Show me again!”
Movement Makes Me Smarter – Movement and active play helps your child’s brain grow while the body is learning new skills. Plus, active learning is FUN!
Change Is Good – Be active in different ways with your children. What they learn now builds skills for staying active, playing childhood games, and sports later.
Move More
It Adds Up – Children need active play time that adds up to at least 2 hours a day. Help your children choose activities that get them moving every day. Add more active minutes by suggesting new activities and do them with your child.
Happy, Healthy Hearts - Physical activity makes your heart beat fast, and that makes your heart happy. The kind of activity you choose makes your heart not so happy, happy, or very happy.
My Heart Says Thanks – Physical activity makes your heart say thanks each time it beats. The faster your heart beats, the more it says THANK YOU!
Moving Is The Best Medicine – The best prescription for being healthy and fit is to move more. Remember, children need at least 2 hours of active play every day.
Choosy Says – Preschool children are influenced by children’s characters. Choosy is a health hero who can help you develop healthy habits in your children.
This Is My Body
When I’m Moving, I’m Learning! – Each child’s body is special and deserves to be treated that way. Never compare your child to others. Each child learns and develops at a personal pace that suits that child!
I Love Me! - “Whether I’m thick or thin, I love the body I’m in!”
I Respect My Body! – What I eat and how much I move tells my body how much I love and respect it. Teach children what foods and activities are respectful to their bodies!
Everyone’s A WINNER – Praise your children as they learn new skills. Be supportive and encourage your child to keep trying! Each child is a champion and a winner to you!
My Body Needs Me – My body needs me to move a lot everyday so that it can be healthy and strong. Children should be encouraged to be a leader and keep their bodies healthy.
Celebrate Feeling Great
Music Moves Me – Moving to a favorite song helps your heart AND your mood!
Fun And Fit – Always make physical activity fun. Exercise should never be used as a punishment.
Take Time – It just takes a few minutes of active movement several times during the day to keep you healthy and happy. So try to give yourself and your kids “activity breaks” throughout the day.
Boost And Burn! – Active play, exercise, and moving to music will give you and your children more energy and help you burn calories.
5,2,1,0 Let’s Go – Keep your whole family healthy by trying to do this each day: eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies, reducing screen time to 2 hours or less, getting 1 hour or more of physical activity, and drinking 0 sugar-sweetened drinks. Get more information about 5,2,1,0 from American Academy of Pediatrics.
Play With Me
Their Favorite Toy – YOU are your child’s favorite toy. Remember, your child loves to play with YOU!
Make Memories – Playing with your child brings you closer together. Children will remember who took time to play with them.
Let’s Play Outside – Celebrate your child’s early years with play. Try making outdoor physical activity more fun by adding props like a hula hoop, ball, string, and sidewalk chalk.
Play Is The Best Fit – Your child will stay fit through active, supervised play and doesn’t need to “do adult exercises” for fitness.
Turn On The Music - Children learn from the music they hear. Choose appropriate music that both adults and children can listen to, so that you can sing and dance together.
Choosy Babies
Tummy Time - Tummy time allows your infant to stay active by stretching, rolling, kicking, and crawling. This is any time your child is using his or her own body to roll or move. Being in a bouncer or stroller doesn’t count as active time.
Moving To Learn - Given time to move and control their own bodies, infants learn to master physical skills, such as supporting themselves, strengthening their upper bodies and back, and eventually crawling and walking.
Just Me And You! - Help build a loving, trusting relationship with your baby with plenty of smiles, eye contact, talking or singing, and endless playtime together.
Brain Builders - Playtime with you that includes gentle bouncing, rocking, and swaying not only strengthens the bond between you and your baby, but will also help develop your baby’s brain.
Choosy Toddlers
Active Learning - Many experts believe that active play is how toddlers not only learn about their bodies, but also about relationships, language, and problem solving.
Explore And Experiment – Toddlers are very active learners. Try not to discourage their curiosity. Create activities in your home to practice motor skills and coordination, such as lifting things, turning knobs, climbing, opening and closing things, pouring water, stepping up, down, and over, etc.
Fun Without A Screen- Physical activity for toddlers is fun! Try cutting back on TV time to move to music, play follow the leader, hide and seek, or active play with toys and house hold objects like pots and pans.
Keep Moving Keep Learning - Although your toddler may seem to get plenty of physical activity, remember that physical activity builds brains and bodies. If you plan daily physical activity that challenges your toddler, you foster curiosity, encourage healthy habits, build motor skills, and give a gift of confidence to your child that lasts a lifetime.