By Christine Cox, Choosy Kids Contributor
A formal school setting is something that my child has yet to experience since she is only 2. However, many of our neighbor kids went back to school this week and my little one watched out the window at the bus and waved bye, unsure of where her friends were going and when they would come back.
The first day of school can be really exciting or really nerve wracking for both the child and parent. As a parent, you hope that you have set them up for success and have taught them to make the right choices when you are not there to choose for them. And as a child, the first day of school means meeting new friends, being on your own and learning so many things during the day.
Besides what outfit they are going to wear and who they are going to sit with on the bus, their next big first day of school decision might be at lunch time. If your children don’t take a lunch with them to school, they will be offered foods that they may not have been served regularly at home. I am talking cookies, snack cakes and sugary drinks. It might be a struggle for your child to make a healthy choice at lunch time, especially if a new friend chooses a cookie over fruit, but as a parent, you hope that your child has a preference for healthy choices.
Choosy has been helping my child to learn what choices she should be making when it comes to eating healthy. It is great because even though I do have candy and junk food in the house, she usually decides to eat fruit or vegetables (shocker, I know!). I can honestly say that I think this is because Choosy has encouraged her to make healthy decisions. She doesn’t really understand health or the importance of fruit and vegetables, but she knows that Choosy likes these foods and so does she!

Whatever your teaching method is, start promoting healthy eating habits at a young age so when your children are ready for their first day of school and their first time deciding what they will eat, they will know what the healthy choice is!
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