Choosy Library

Choosy Library

Articles for parents and educators

What exactly does organic mean? 
When you see “organic” on the label, it offers confidence that the item has fewer chemicals than the non-organic options. In many...
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Extend Your Childs Learning 
If you ask your child to tell you about playtime with balls, you might hear about a favorite ball that bounces, or a yarn ball that doesn't...
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Sniffles and Sneezes
It's a beautiful summer day and someone has a runny nose. How can that be? Is it a cold? Is it allergies? It is hard to know...​​​​
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A Kind and Compassionate World
We all have the inborn capacity to express kindness and compassion ​​​to others and we can model this behavior to our...
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Long Summer Days Doesn’t Mean Sit Around Indoors
The days are about as long as they’ll get, which means summer is here. Plenty of time spent at swimming pools, area parks, backyards...
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Helping your Child Thrive at the Pool
We are now a few weeks into fall. The leaves are changing, the temperatures are cooling and our family activities may...
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The Choosy Rainbow
There is a popular candy with the slogan "Taste the rainbow." Let's try to get kids excited about the rainbow of REAL foods. Just for...
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Choosy Kids in the Kitchen
Some of our friends have shared favorite recipes from their childhood. It allowed us to take a trip down memory lane, and even...
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Three Holiday Lessons for Children
As we near closer to the holiday season, I feel like I have been teaching my 4 year old a lot of lessons at one...
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Make Halloween Less Scary for Young Children
Halloween started as a way to remember friends and family who have passed away. All Hallows Eve is the day before...
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Be Nice! October is Bully Prevention Month 
Did you know that October is Bully Prevention month and Disability Awareness month? Sadly, children with an exceptionality....
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Active Learning of Infants and Toddlers 
The first two years of life are thought of as the sensory motor stage of development. This means that infants, babies and...
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Empowering Your Child
Imagine a world where children feel free to be themselves; where they’re content and love who they are, where they feel like they...
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Back to School, Back to Routine
Maybe your children are already back to school, or they will be heading back in a couple of weeks. It can be a happy and...
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Choosing to Eat Healthy at School
A formal school setting is something that my child has yet to experience since she is only 2. However, many of our neighbor kids went...
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The Empty Space Club 
It’s back to school time and my thoughts turn to young children adjusting to new environments, routines, and...
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The Influence of Characters
We are all victims of food, beverage, and media marketing. And every parent has experienced the “pester power” that children...
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Real Life Heroes! 
As we get ready for another holiday that brings friends and families together for picnics, parades, and fireworks, let’s take..
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Outdoor Playtime
Summertime weather is upon us here in the eastern part of the United States. School is out and most children are anxious to have...
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Keep Your Heart Happy 
know that at least 60 minutes of exercise every day is important to stay healthy. And that 60 minutes is for all ages, from 1 to 100! But...
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Kids Love the Dirt
Not just Pigpen, Charlie Brown's pal. Kids like squishing their boots in the mud, digging in the sand and finding bugs on the...
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Protect Your Eyes from UV! 
As I look around the playground, 9 out of 10 moms are wearing sunglasses, protecting their own eyes from harmful...
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Do What I Do
Have you ever heard of ‘monkey see, monkey do’? While you may not have monkeys in your house, you might have some...
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Be Choosy Outside! 
Aaah! The fresh air of late spring after a rain is one of my favorite smells! The chance to be outside after the cold of winter is...
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