Choosy Blog — do what i do

Do What I Do

Posted by Brianna Robbins on

Do What I Do

Have you ever heard of ‘monkey see, monkey do’? While you may not have monkeys in your house, you might have some children watching and hearing everything you do and say. Children tend to mimic their role models in many different ways so it is essential that we as adults, and role models, display behaviors that we wish to see in our children. Watch What You Eat Even the youngest of children know that a cookie tastes better than whatever is for dinner. But as role models, it is vital that we eat healthy alongside our children. It isn’t fair...

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3 Ways Teachers Can Help Children Learn Pro-Social Behaviors

Posted by Christine Cox on

3 Ways Teachers Can Help Children Learn Pro-Social Behaviors

Children learn so much during their first year of life. Many expectations and milestones are reached before their first birthday and there is a lot of pressure on influential caregivers to ensure success. One of those caregivers could be an early childhood teacher. There are millions of children under the age of six in center-based child care programs in the United States. Early childhood teachers everywhere play a vital role in shaping the lives of their students, and one important contribution they undertake is teaching children pro-social behaviors. Pro-Social Behaviors According to Eisenberg and Mussen (1989), pro-social behavior refers to "voluntary...

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